Who Has Fellowship with God?

Putting the Truth of God’s Word to Practice through the book of I John

Who has Fellowship?

Part I



The book of I John was written by the beloved disciple whom Jesus loved. John’s purpose of this letter was so that the believers’ joy might be full according to the words of the Lord. Having them understand that the truth of the gospel is grounded in the reality of Jesus Christ alone. Correcting the false teaching that was challenging the church, John makes it clear the fellowship of the believer draws its character and practices from God who is light, righteous, and love. John presents to us that there were some who claiming fellowship yet living in darkness, claiming to be without sin yet truth less, claiming to know God but disobedient and without love. So John gives us some biblical truths for guidance of those who truly have fellowship with God. This is about what do both God and the believer have in common. This work of God was concealed in the Old Testament and now revealed in the New Testament through Jesus Christ. God always had man on His mind before the foundation of the worlds.


Evidence of those who have fellowship with God

I John 1:1-10


I. Are those who recognize the reality of Christ: (vs 1-4)

Ref. John 1:1-4, John 10:10-31, 17:1-5, 14:1-6

We must see Jesus as more than just a carpenter or a man who done good deeds. It’s through Jesus that makes our fellowship with God as Father possible. As the scriptures says, “…No man can come to the Father except through me.” He is the Light of the World, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, the Creator of all things, the Everlasting Father, the Divine one in a human body.

II. Are those who are walking in the light: (vs 5-6)

Ref. John 8:12, Eph. 5:8, PS 89:1-15, Eph. 4:1 Rom 13:13

The Hebrew expression of the word light is used in four different ways in scriptures.

  1. Physically it represent “Glory and Splendor”
  2. Intellectually it represent “Knowledge of truth and Illumination”
  3. Morally it represent “Holiness and Purity”
  4. Spiritually it represent “ The Eternal Life of God”

God is light, in him is no darkness. He is absolutely holy, free from any defilement, completely pure, perfect and consecrated. We are encourage in scriptures to live exactly as he lives.

Four benefits as a result of living in the Light

  1. We have fellowship with one another
  2. We have an ongoing provision against sin; past, present, and future. A cleansing that removes guilt and keeps on cleansing.
  3. We have a cancelation of debts. Not only cleanse but forgiven so that we might produce righteous fruit and be separated from God again.
  4. We have Jesus to be our defense


Who has Fellowship?

I John 2:3-11

III. Are those who have a true knowledge of God: This is demonstrated in three areas as proof of us having fellowship with God

  1. Obedience to His command: (vs 5) Obedience is better than sacrifice
  2. Walking in His likeness: Jesus said that he came to do the will of the Father
  3. Love for the brethren: Perfect love in action